Top 10 reasons to install double glazing

Double glazing is no longer simply a nice addition to the home or a luxury to have installed, it is absolutely vital to an energy efficient home and is widely considered as one of the most important home improvements that you can make.

No matter if you are installing classic casement windows, traditional French windows, or looking for a more modern touch with an innovative tilt and turn design, ensuring that you choose from the latest uPVC double glazed window units will keep your home safe, warm, and as cost effective to run as possible in the decades to come.

You are undoubtedly aware that reducing heat loss is the main reason that double glazing is so important, especially at a time when energy prices are so high, and caring for our planet is so important. It is far from the only benefit, however, and we have compiled a list of the top 10 reasons that you need to install double or even triple glazing the next time you decide to replace your windows and doors with new double glazing Edinburgh.

1)     Temperature regulation

In Scotland, the main benefit of double glazing is that it keeps your home nice and warm throughout the winter months. It insulates your home far better than traditional single glazing, successfully maintaining one temperature inside and one outside by minimising heat transfer.

As well as keeping the home warm in the winter, double glazing will also keep it cool in the summer ensuring that your home is comfortable and relaxing all year round.

2)     Lower energy bills

Alongside the installation of insulation in your attic, floors, and walls, double glazing is the single most important step to reducing your energy bills and saving you money. The more heat that escapes your home, the harder your home heating system will have to work to compensate and you will end up using far more energy than should be required for a property of your size.

Over the years, the cost of installing double glazing will be far exceeded by the savings you will make on your bills.

3)     Reduce your carbon footprint

Doing your bit to help protect the environment and reducing your reliance on your home heating system will not only help protect your wallet, but also the planet.

Double glazing helps reduce your energy consumption significantly, and subsequently the emissions that you produce, resulting in a major reduction in your own personal carbon footprint.

4)     Improve security

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that putting an additional layer of reinforced glass between your home and the outside world will improve security and make the chances of a break-in much less likely.

Should an intruder be foolish enough to target double glazed glass it will take them far longer to break through than with traditional glazing, by which time you or your neighbours will have been alerted to the situation. Most burglars will simply steer clear once they see double glazing. Modern double glazed units often also come fitted with a number of other security features including internal glazing bead, and multi-point locking systems.

5)     Eliminate condensation

Regulating the temperature of each glass pane individually will eliminate cold spots forming on your windows and reduce the threat of condensation. In turn, this will result in a much lower risk of mould and mildew growth and the health issues that such growth would produce.

6)     Easy to clean

Double glazing is remarkably easy to maintain with a quick wipe here and there with soapy water all that it takes to keep the glass in tip-top condition and give you an uninterrupted view of the outside world all year long.

7)     Eliminate harmful UV rays

No need to worry about the rare rays of sunshine fading your furnishings and photographs any longer. Double glazing is designed to prevent UV radiation from penetrating into your home, whilst still allowing natural light to come flooding into your living space.

8)     Reduce noise pollution

If you live in a city, or close to a main road or station, keeping outside noise to a minimum is crucial to being able to relax in the peace of your own home. Double glazing provides excellent noise cancelling protection, making your home a welcome retreat from the madness of the outside world.

9)     Make your home fabulous

There are almost unlimited styles and designs to choose from when it comes to uPVC double glazed windows and doors, letting you impose your sense of style on the property. New window will rejuvenate your property and impress both visitors and passers by.

10)  Increase your home value

Double glazing is a must have for any home buyer and if you ever come to sell your property you will be able to achieve a much higher offer if you have already had it installed.